
Are you being called to participate in our vibrant parish life?  We have many apostolates here at Annunciation and we are always seeking to add new members to our groups! Please contact each apostolate's coordinator for more information on joining. 


Jesus invites you to spend some quiet time with Him in Eucharistic Adoration.

Join our Adoration Apostolate by signing up to adore Our Lord for one hour each Sunday afternoon between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM. To have access to the Church during this time, you will need to register with the Adoration Apostolate.

Contact the Parish Adoration Coordinator, Christy Volanski, with any questions or to join.  Email adoration@acchtx.org or call/text 936-520-8258.

Altar Servers

The Altar Servers Apostolate recruits, trains, and schedules altar boys to serve at Masses, funerals, weddings, and other liturgical functions year-round (processions, Christmas crèche, etc.). This apostolate also maintains, cleans, repairs, and replaces altar server vestments. 

To become an altar server, we are looking for mature young boys age 10 or older (although exceptions can be made) as well as adult men to serve at the altar.  All altar servers must have received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.  Please contact Nick Volanski for more information at nvolanski@yahoo.com or call/text 936-520-2846.

Altar Society

Provides for the upkeep of the sanctuary and sacristy of our church, helps and assists the Pastor in spiritual and material undertakings for the welfare of the church, and cares for the vestments and altar linens.  Contact Emily Ponte at ec2222@sbcglobal.net for more information.

Annunciation Respect Life Apostolate (ARLA):

Annunciation’s Respect Life Apostolate strives to protect the sanctity of all human life from conception until natural death.

Our Respect Life events and activities include:

· Project Mercy- every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 PM- Mass, Confession, and Adoration with the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet
· 40 Days for Life- fall and spring campaigns include 40 days of prayer and fasting outside of local abortion clinics
· 40 Hours of Adoration for Life during October, Respect Life Month
· Prayer Vigil on the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
· Blessing of a Child in the Womb on the Feast of the Annunciation

We also coordinate and encourage participation in the annual Texas Rally for Life in January, support regular collections of baby items for moms in need, and promote various Pro-Life activities throughout the Archdiocese, such as Project Rachel retreats to facilitate healing for women after an abortion, and the monthly Helpers of God’s Precious Infants prayer events which include Mass and praying outside of an abortion clinic.

Please join the Respect Life Apostolate! Our Pro-Life mission is at the heart of our identity as Catholics. This mission is for each of us. Will you join our team? For more information, contact Yvette Llorance at ProLife@acchtx.org or 832-598-8365.

Building Maintenance

Our Building Maintenance apostolate makes regular inspections of the church, rectory, and office, and then makes repairs and improvements as needed. Includes quarterly inspections of Annunciation’s bell tower and bell.  If you have handyman skills, this is the apostolate for you!  Please contact Nick Volanski for more information at nvolanski@yahoo.com or call/text 936-520-2846.

Catholic Daughters of the Americas #2747, St. Gabriel of the Annunciation

Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) is an organization in which today's woman can make a difference in today's world. It is an organization where friends are made and personal growth is attained. And most importantly, it is an effective means through which we can serve God, our church, our community, and our country.  Annunciation's chapter of CDA is involved in many aspects of parish life.  Visit them online at www.facebook.com/cda2747 or www.texascda.org, or contact Christine Poleski at cdaregent2747@gmail.com for more information.

Collection Counters

Our parishioners generously contribute their financial resources to the operations and mission of our parish family, and we need detail-oriented people who can carefully count and organize our weekly collections.  Each Sunday, a group of dedicated volunteers gather to count and deposit the offering collected during weekend Masses.  During our work, we enjoy coffee, pastries, and each other's company!  Collection counters are active members of Annunciation parish, are approved by the Pastor, and serve four Sundays per month.  Please contact Lillian Kish at administration@acchtx.org for more information.

Evangelization Apostolate

The Evangelization Apostolate works to bring Christ to the world and the world to Christ through public outreach, catechesis, distributing free rosaries during public events such as Astros games, and organizes Catholic speakers and talks with the ultimate goal of the salvation of souls.  To join or for more information, please email John at evangelize@acchtx.org.

Family Life Apostolate

The Family Life Apostolate, recognizing a need for families of faith to socialize and support one another, works to promote prayer life, strengthen family bonds, holds family get-togethers, and connects families with one another and with the Church.  For more information, please send an email to families@acchtx.org.

Gabriel Project

Volunteers are trained to be “Gabriel Angels,” mentors who take personal interest in an expectant mother, providing spiritual, material, compassionate, and practical support throughout the pregnancy and at times, beyond.  For more information on becoming a Gabriel Angel, please call the Office of ProLife Activities at 713-440-3443.

Knights of Columbus - The Church of the Annunciation Council 17060

To know, love, and serve God is the mission of the Catholic faithful, and the Knights of Columbus work to fulfill this mission through works of charity and social welfare.  Annunciation's council #17060 is actively involved at all levels of parish involvement.  Please visit www.kofc17060.org or contact Brian Summers at bcpsummers@gmail.com for more information.

Landscaping & Beautification Apostolate

Do you have a green thumb or just enjoy working outdoors?  This apostolate gathers one Saturday morning per month for 90 minutes to weed, rake, prune, plant, and maintain our beautiful courtyard.  Seasonally, we also spread mulch and gravel.  Please contact Barbara at landscaping@acchtx.org to join this apostolate.

Music & Choir

There are a number of options for participating in the music apostolate! 
  • Our Schola Cantorum sings for the 11:00 am Traditional Latin Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 7:15-9:00 pm and Sundays at 10:30 am.  Some choral experience is recommended. 
  • Our 9 am St. Gregory's Choir sings for the English Ordinary Form Mass at 9:00 am on Sundays. Rehearsals are before Mass at 8:30 am. On occasion, choristers also attend Wednesday evening rehearsals when we are preparing for a special Feast.
  • A small group of men sing for Second Sunday Solemn Vespers at 4:00 pm on the Second Sunday of each month. An audition is required. 
  • Our newly formed Children's Choir meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:00 pm and on Sunday afternoons from 1:00-1:30 pm. Children may sing with the adult choir on Sundays, and will sing for a few special occasions (like the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass). 
  • We are always looking for volunteers to help with other events like our summer chant workshop, concerts, etc!

For more information, please contact our music director, Catherine Schaefer, at music@acchtx.org

Religious Education / Sacramental Preparation

Provides an education of Catholic Christian doctrine for the children, youth and adults of our parish and sacramental preparation for the celebrations of First Penance and Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.  Please contact Catherine O'Brien at ReligiousEd@acchtx.org for more information.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A)

RCIA volunteers assist in providing a systematic understanding of the Catholic faith to those seeking to enter the Church and prepares them to receive the sacraments of Christian initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist.  For more information, please contact Caryn Vukelich at rcia@acchtx.org.

Ushers & Safety Team

Our Ushers & Safety Team greets parishioners, hands out bulletins, takes monetary collections, answers general questions, assists with seating, handles disruptions, maintain pews after Mass, and offers general assistance at Masses and special events.   Please contact Gabe Cortez at gabecortez@usa.net for more information.


Weddings are very special at Annunciation!  Our wedding volunteers work with couples to assist them in preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony at Annunciation, and also assists and coordinates all aspects of wedding Masses.  For more information, please contact Sandra Villarreal at weddings@acchtx.org.

Women's Apostolate

The Women's Apostolate offers a quarterly Women's Holy Hour of Adoration, social gatherings to connect women of faith in our parish, and a Bible study group.  For more information, please send an email to Natalie at women@acchtx.org.

Young Adults Apostolate

The Young Adults apostolate is a newly formed group of young urban professionals aged 40 and under who work closely with Father Felix on evangelizing other young adults.  In addition to monthly meetings held in the Foley House after the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass, many fun social events are planned!  For more information, please send an email to youngadults@acchtx.org.