Thank you! Your generosity has been a blessing to Annunciation throughout this past year. Your continued support allows us to help our church family and spread God's Word throughout the world.
"As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” - 1 Peter 4:10-11
Online Giving is a convenient way to make your gift to Annunciation!
To create or update your Annunciation Online Giving Account, click here.
Using our Giving tools, donating to multiple funds has never been easier.
To access one of the funds that we offer, please follow the instructions below: ·
- Login to giving link/create an account
- Navigate to the box for adding additional funds
- Dropdown – choose fund! It’s that easy!
Or drop a check in the mail to: PO Box 214, Houston, TX 77001
If you have any questions, please contact the parish office at 713-222-2289
Chapel of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
The Chapel of Our Lady of Perpetual Help has been restored thanks to your generosity.
Please continue to maintain her glory.
Donate by clicking HERE and select Chapel of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Flower Donation
Donation to the Choir/Vespers
"Sacred Music is a treasure of inestimable value...[it] is to be fostered and preserved with very great care."
— Vatican II
We are thankful for the dedicated members in our choirs. Help us continue to preserve this sacred music. Please contact the parish office or make a donation online by clicking HERE and selecting Choir Donation or Vespers or Organ Restoration 1924 Pilchers Sons Opus 1206
Consider A Year-End Gift
When you begin year-end tax planning, take advantage of the charitable tax deduction for gifts made before December 31st of this year and consider the variety of gift options available to you. Your gift to our parish can make a great difference to us and help you as well.
Online Giving is a convenient way to make your gift to Annunciation!
To create or update your Annunciation Online Giving Account, click here.
As always, work closely with your tax and legal advisors to determine how any particular strategy will affect your overall tax situation. Please contact Lillian Kish at the Parish Office at 713-222-2289 by December 31 to advise the parish of your gift of stock so that it will qualify as a donation in 2023. If you choose to make a cash donation, please prepare your check and mail it so that your envelope is postmarked or received by December 31 to qualify as a gift in the year 2023. Contributions received in the offertory plate at Mass on January 1st will be treated as 2024 gifts.