
Law Enforcement Appreciation Day is just around the corner and we need your help!

The Church of the Annunciation in collaboration with the Knights of Columbus are hosting our annua Law Enforcement Appreciate Day (L.E.A.D.) on the Feast of the Holy Archangels!  Please join us as we assemble delicious sack lunches for our local law enforcement officers!

We will be working in two shifts on Friday, September 29th:
5:00 AM to 10:30 AM (very busy shift - need many hands for this!)
10:30 AM to 4:00 PM

We need:
1. Lunch Kit Assemblers to asssemble the meals, pack, and sort the lunch kits
2. Lunch Kit Distributors to provide the lunch kits to the officers who will stop by the church

Items in the lunches will include 2 sausages wrapped in tortillas, bottled water, chips, cookies, a rosary, a "How to Pray the Rosary" pamphlet and a St. Michael medal. 

Come show your appreciation for those who protect and serve while enjoying the camaradarie and fellowship of working alongside other Annunciation parishioners!  We'll have snacks and plenty of coffee!

Please direct any questions to Sherri at activites@acchtx.org.

Please CLICK HERE to sign up to help!